
1° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale

A volte l'intervento dell'artista sulla materia è minimo. Pochi tagli, piccoli segni sul masso di pietra, rendono chiaro e comprensibile l'intervento.

Maria Claudia Farina ha voluto creare un'opera capace di favorire l'incontro e il dialogo tra le persone. Così, tre blocchi di piasentina divengono tre sedute. 

E' un invito alla sosta, in un'area verde, in cui poter osservare ciò che ci circonda, prendendoci una pausa rigenerante. Ed è anche un'opera che cerca il contatto con la natura e che valorizza la materia, senza stravolgerla. 


Perfectly embedded in contemporary sculpture research, the artist accentuates the relationship between object and environment, emphasizing the contrast between elements that differ in appearance, color and structure. Farina's stones, grouped in a large arrangement in the meadow, impose themselves as protagonists of ancient rituals. 

The sculptor's intervention on the stone is controlled so that each element maintains the characteristics of its material, enhancing its personality and giving it meaning. Despite their apparent simplicity, these sculptures should be looked at very carefully.

Maria Claudia Farina

Maria Claudia Farina was born in La Spezia, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara and later won a scholarship to the Kunstakademie in Munich. Since 1986, several art exhibitions have enabled her to establish herself and enjoy growing public acclaim. Her sculptures and public monuments are in harmony with nature, making them particularly engaging. She has been invited to many international symposia on stone and wood sculpture.