Seddle to the sky

17° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Grigio carnico

Itinerari nel Rojale


"An artwork must communicate on its own, without the need for explanations." These words by Jusuke Toda illustrate the strength of his sculpture.

The balanced and specular interplay he creates, starting from the real and transforming it into the ideal, is noteworthy. It matters little if the real is a bicycle saddle; what counts is uniting the sky with the earth, conveying what cannot be captured solely by the gaze or solely by the mind.

Piera Sgiarovello

Toda Yusuke

Toda Yusuke was born in Hiroshima, Japan. After an intense educational journey, he earned a Master's degree in Sculpture from Musashino Art University in Tokyo in 1990, where he works and has his own studio. In 1995 and 1996, he undertook study trips to Italy and England. In 2000, he was in Germany with the Japan Foundation. Since 1992, he has been exhibiting his works with increasing success in various cities and holding several solo exhibitions.