Matrix wing

2° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


The sculpture by Miglietta seeks to align itself with the ancient Puglian tradition of reliquaries, although stripped of the aura of religiosity to be placed in a secular dimension, aligned with a love for the freedom of thought that the wing represents in this case. It is, in fact, zealously guarded by a stone carved like an urn, adorned with two shields that suggest its precious nature.

The enduring value of freedom becomes part of the history of the people of Lecce, which perhaps finds its highest artistic expression in baroque reliquaries.

Antonio Miglietta

Antonio Miglietta was born in Trepuzzi, in the province of Lecce, where he currently resides. He acquired his initial technical skills from his father, a self-taught sculptor, and in 1985, he obtained a diploma in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce.

His preferred stone materials are local, but he also works with marble and wood for their diverse artistic expressions. He has participated in numerous national and international sculpture exhibitions and symposia, earning acclaim from both critics and the public.