I know

26° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia 

Piasentina Stone

Itinerari nel Rojale

I know

How difficult can it be to transpose an idea, or even more, a thought into a strong and compact material like marble? It is the eternal challenge between man and matter, attempting to bypass and overcome every obstacle. But if the thought is strong and the idea carries a message to be transmitted to others, the challenge becomes even more demanding. Yet, paradoxically, it becomes possible. Because the more essential the form, the more immediate the message. 

This is the reflection of Elisaveta Sivas, originally from Estonia. Her journey in painting, sculpture, ceramics, and applied arts is interwoven with a personal quest for spirituality. In the block of Piasentina Stone, Elisaveta envisioned a shape. From the almost unworked pillar placed on a base, a head emerges. It stands out, gray and polished, unique and mysterious. It is the head of the Creator, explains Elisaveta. He who, through knowledge, invites us to seek harmony, peace, and the connection among all forms of life he has created. 

But he has no eyes, because we are his eyes, capable of seeing and expressing the beauty of the world. He has no mouth because it is our words that spread the harmony and peace he has taught us. And he has no arms because it is our duty to embrace those near us who share this earthly journey. 

Our gaze is drawn to the words engraved on the pillar: "I Know." Now we know. And we must commit ourselves to achieving the peace, harmony, and beauty that the Creator has shown us. Abandoning all individualism, selfishness, and skepticism in favor of a community guided by these values. 

Elisaveta Sivas leaves her message in Vergnacco and in the Friulian land. Now we too Know – We Know. 

Laura Vianello

Elisaveta Sivas - Estonia

A painter and sculptor based in Estonia, she graduated in 2000 from Saint Petersburg State University with a specialization in Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies, and in 2007, she obtained a PhD in Linguistic Theory there. 

In 2002, she earned a Master’s degree in Modern Greek Language and Literature from the University of Cyprus. She studied fashion and theatrical costume at the Art Futura School in Saint Petersburg and furthered her knowledge of ceramics in artistic workshops in Cyprus. 

She also attended courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo. Constantly searching for the true meaning of existence through her art, she completed additional spiritual and energy studies, obtaining a diploma as a “Master” spiritual coach in 2022. 

A teacher of Greek language and culture, she has conducted research, collaborated with companies and artists, and exhibited her works in collective and solo exhibitions in various countries worldwide. Thanks to her great versatility, she integrates into her work knowledge from diverse fields such as sociology, linguistic research, spirituality, fashion, art, and sculpture.