
26° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia 

Clauzetto Marble

Itinerari nel Rojale


She wanted a white marble, without veins; a material capable of emphasizing the value of form with its purity. She chose Clauzetto Marble to create Dispersə, which once again, in Solmaz's research, places the human being at the foundation of the idea. 

The artwork presents itself as a sculptural group where each figure diverges, assuming thought, attention, and a multidirectional gaze. While physically together, the figures express the solitude of contemporary humanity, the difficulty of relationships in the face of the dispersion caused by hyperconnection, which strips relationships of the essential nature of gaze, gesture, and speech. 

In the absence of converging, involving, or communicating, the precise treatment of the surface and the whiteness of the marble emphasize the privative nature of distance and invite reflection on the fundamental values of reciprocity for a shared life that is attentive and available towards the other. 

Dispersə rests on a base of elegant Grigio Carnico, which contributes to the monumental rendering of the artwork. 

Francesca Agostinelli

Solmaz Vilkachi - Iran

Born in Tehran, Iran, in 2004 she obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics at Azad University and in 2006 a master's degree from the Jahad Daneshgahi Institute. 

In 2009, she moved to Italy where she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, specializing in sculpture and graduated in 2017. She currently lives and works in Rome, where she exhibits successfully in various solo and group exhibitions. 

In 2015, she won the Oltre i Libri competition at the Angelica Gallery in Rome, while in 2016 she won the Talent Award competition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and exhibited at MACRO (Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome). In 2021, she won first place at the International PremioArteBorgo competition and exhibited at the Venanzo Crocetti Museum in Rome. 

Her works are present in public and private spaces in various locations in Italy.