Church of  San Giovanni Battista

Itinerari nel Rojale

The small church, with a porch and a bell gable, is surrounded by the cemetery.

The earliest records of Valle and its church are found in the necrology of Qualso, to which Valle was subordinate, and do not date back earlier than the 14th century. Some notes from this century mention the "cortina di Valle," which defended the church and the few houses.

The ancient "centa" was located near the church of San Giovanni Battista, as suggested by the circular elevation around the building recorded on the Napoleonic cadastral map.

The original church had similar dimensions to the current one but was shorter and had pointed-arch windows, a porch, and three altars, one dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and the others, on either side of the choir, to the patron saints of the church: St. Andrew the Apostle and St. John the Baptist, of which the statue is preserved.

The church was restored in the early 16th century and further renovated and raised in the 18th century. The ancient windows were replaced with the current ones.

From 1798 to 1804, additional renovations were made, and the new bell gable was built adjacent to the choir, in a raised position and in an area enclosed by a stone fence. Some scholars believe that the bell gable was erected on the remains of the ancient "centa" tower.

Interventions after 1820 led to the reconstruction of the sacristy and the suppression of the two side altars, while the statues were placed next to the main altar.

Inside, there are two side chapels, rebuilt in 1922 with their niches and altars, the work of Giorgio Cuzzi from Gemona.

The wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin of Health is by Rampogna, and that of St. Luigi is by Delmez from Val Gardena.

In 1771, the main altar was created based on a design by Professor Francesco Valle, modernizing the previous one.

In 1923, the new tabernacle was made by the altarist Bortolo Rizzotti from Artegna, who also sculpted the stone of the main altar, a unique piece.

On the ceiling, there is a medallion with a beautiful fresco dedicated to the beheading of St. John the Baptist, reminiscent of the style of G.B. Tiepolo present in the Colleoni Chapel in Bergamo.

In the vault, at the four corners, there are medallions from the 17th century dedicated to the Doctors of the Church: St. Gregory, St. Jerome, St. Ambrose, and St. Augustine.