The votive chapel of San Giacomo is in Romanesque style and stands isolated in the countryside of Ribis. It dates back to the 13th century and was raised in the second half of the 1400s, leaving the internal apse unchanged.
The facade features a pointed arch entrance portal flanked by small square windows and concludes with a tall single-lancet bell tower. The stone-faced masonry structure is crowned by a three-course red brick frame, with the central one resembling a fishbone pattern.
On the southern elevation, there is a lunette-shaped skylight.
The interior is a single nave with a roof supported by wooden trusses, and a rectangular presbytery with a barrel vault.
On the wall facing the choir, frescoes by Pietro Venier, created in 1701 and restored several times over the years, are preserved. They depict triumphant angels next to the cross, with the two apostles Peter and Paul on the sides.
A notable but unfortunately lost work is a painting by Gian Paolo Thanner, a tempera on wood representing the figures of the saints Peter, John, James the Lesser, and John the Evangelist, aligned on the same plane on the wall facing the choir.